Albert Milton
Prophetic Voice
Prophetic Word
God Says, Immediate Settlements and Breakthroughs
Have you ever felt like you were in a season of waiting and wondering when your breakthrough would come? The good news is that the Lord has a message for you - your settlements and breakthroughs are coming, and they are coming immediately! In the Book of Exodus, we see that God promised to hear the cry of His people and bring immediate deliverance. The same promise is true for you today! Get ready to receive your settlements and breakthroughs, Today!
The Manifest Glory of God
When Moses encountered God on Mount Sinai, his face shone with the glory of the Lord. The Israelites were afraid to come near him because of the radiant presence of God. In the same way, the Lord wants to release His manifest glory upon your life. He wants to surround you, overtake you, and bring mighty things to pass immediately. Just as Moses experienced the immediate presence of God, so too will you see the manifestation of His glory in your life.
The Power of God's Spoken Word
In the Book of Numbers, we see that the Lord spoke immediately to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. He called them to the tent of meeting, and His word brought about mighty wonders and marvelous miracles. The same is true for you today. The Lord is speaking to you, calling you to His presence, and He will bring about amazing breakthroughs and settlements in your life. His spoken word has the power to shake your wilderness, transform your circumstances, and bring you into a season of supernatural elevation and destiny.
Prophesying the Miraculous
The prophet Ezekiel understood the power of prophesying the word of the Lord. In the Book of Ezekiel, he witnessed a creative miracle as dry bones came together and formed a mighty army. This miraculous display of God's power is a reminder that He can bring forth breakthrough and victory out of emptiness and chaos. Just as Ezekiel prophesied and saw the bones come to life, so too can you speak forth God's promises and see them manifest in your life. God is ready to bring forth an army of victorious believers who will thrive, multiply, and walk in supernatural abundance.
Returning to Your Homeland
In the Book of Genesis, God instructed Jacob to return to his homeland. Jacob obeyed and experienced the fulfillment of God's promises. Today, God is calling you to return to your spiritual homeland - the place where His presence dwells within you. You are His house, and He has anointed and appointed you for a greater purpose and destiny. In your life, family, and future, you will see the oracles of God manifest like never before. This season is marked by powerful deliverance, settlements, and establishment.
Immediate Appointments and Abundance
Throughout the Bible, we see examples of immediate appointments and abundance. Joseph was appointed by Pharaoh to oversee the land of Egypt, and through his leadership, the nation prospered. In the same way, the Lord wants to appoint you to positions of influence and bless you with abundance. As your soul prospers in Christ, you will thrive, multiply, and walk in supernatural favor and provision. God's grace and multiplication are upon you, and you will see extraordinary things happen as you trust in Him.
The Crossing Over Anointing
When Jesus called His disciples, they immediately left their nets and followed Him. They didn't hesitate or question, but instead, they trusted in the voice of their Savior. There is power in immediately responding to Jesus' call. When He calls you, He is leading you to a place of breakthrough and fulfillment. Like the disciples, you will experience a crossing over anointing that will bring calm to the storms in your life. Even in the face of challenges and opposition, keep your faith in Jesus, for He will make a way for you to cross over into your promised land.
Immediate Revival and Restoration
When the prophet Jonah finally obeyed God's command to go to Nineveh, immediate revival, restoration, and salvation came upon the city. In the same way, God is bringing immediate settlements and breakthroughs to your life and the lives of those around you. No matter how impossible the situation may seem, trust in God's timing and His ability to bring forth mighty wonders. Your obedience and alignment with His will are keys to experiencing immediate revival and restoration.
Aligning with God's Word
In the Book of Samuel, Samuel's mentor advised him to immediately respond to the Lord's call. This is a powerful principle for us today. When God speaks, we should immediately align ourselves with His word and say, "Here I am, Lord." By doing so, we position ourselves to receive immediate answers, solutions, and settlements. The moment we respond to God's call, His angelic presence surrounds us and ministers to our needs. Immediate alignment with God's word leads to immediate breakthrough and deliverance.
As we have seen throughout this Prophetic Word, the power of immediate settlements and breakthroughs is available to you today. The Lord is calling you to step into a season of supernatural elevation, destiny, and divine intervention. Just as He brought deliverance to the Israelites, manifested His glory through Moses, and brought forth mighty wonders through the prophets, He will do the same in your life. Trust in His word, align yourself with His will, and watch as He settles, establishes, and blesses every area of your life. Your wilderness season is coming to an end, and a new chapter of immediate settlements and breakthroughs is beginning. Get ready to experience the extraordinary and victorious power of God in your life!