Prophetic Word

I Declare, America



I Declare, America shall be saved

I Declare, America to Shine in the Darkness

I Declare, America shall be healed

I Declare, that Jesus is THE Lord over America

I Declare, Revival AND RESTORATION in America

I Declare, Protection and Covering over America

I Declare, America is Safe under the Blood of JESUS

I Declare, The borders of America are secured

I Declare, The will of the Lord is done in America,

I Declare, As it is Heaven so be it on America.

I Declare, that the Name of our God be Glorified in America.

I Declare, the unborn be protected in America.

I Declare, the marriage is honored in America, according to what God says in the Bible.

I Declare, the hearts of the people in America be revived by the Baptism of Fire.

I Declare, that America will be filled with peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Declare, America will be prosperous in economy and resources.

I Declare, every corruption in the government, school and society be eradicated in America.

I Declare, America shall thrive and be blessed

I Declare, truth and righteousness shall rise in America

I Declare, Salvation of the lost souls to manifest in America

I Declare, the eyes of the understanding to be enlightened in America

I Declare, the Lord’s manifestation upon America in a Powerful way.

I Declare, every idols and Witchcrafts be broken in America .

I Declare, let every hearts of the people in America shall return to God

I Declare, let everyone, especially younger generation to be filled with the Holy Spirit

I Declare, every discord and contention be removed from America.

I Declare, America is One Nation Under God.

I Declare, every chains and bondages be broken in America

I Declare, men and women of courage arise in America

I Declare, every disaster, plague and pandemic be removed from America

I Declare, people of God to arise and take higher positions in Government, media and entertainment.

I Declare, people of God to arise and take vital positions in education, technology and medical fields.

I Declare, the Love and Power of God to touch and transform the people of America.

I Declare, let people come into repentance and accept JESUS as their Lord and Savior

I Declare, such a time as this that God is raising His people in America to save the nation like Esther did.

I Declare, every plot of the enemy against America shall be cancelled

I Declare, every satanic schemes against America be exposed and expelled in JESUS Name

I Declare, America is Blessed to be a Blessing to Nations

I Declare, let every elderly and young shall live in Peace, Joy and Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ in America

I Declare, more missionaries or resources be sent from America to many parts of the world to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

I Declare, America to stand with Israel for the Glory of God

I Declare, the Kingdom of God to Advance in America with signs and wonders

I Declare , men and women of God to stand up in faith and to America being transformed and redeemed.

I Declare, God’s will to be done in every legislative actions being signed.

I Declare, Wisdom and Counsel of God in legislative process and judicial systems.

I Declare, State and Supreme Court stand strong to uphold Justice and Righteousness of God fearlessly.

I Declare, God’s will to manifest over every decisions and law that is coming from Washington DC.

I Declare, God to lead every Senators and House of Representatives to reflect God’s Word in their words and actions.

I Declare, every Senators and House of Representatives by led by the Spirit of God to do God’s will in America.

I Declare, let the anointing break every yokes in America

I Declare, let every addictions among the land be broken and set free by the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ

I Declare, the Blood of JESUS to bring everyone close to God in America.   

I Declare, America will Overcome every obstacles and challenges, they are not tough enough to stand against America. Because, America is under the wings of God. Hallelujah.

I Declare, every fraudulent activity done against America shall be exposed and eradicated.

I Declare, fear of men and every fear or anxiety to be removed from the land of America.

I Declare, the spirit of abortion to be abolished in America.

I Declare, let every organizations and individuals acting against God’s will in America shall be

I Declare, America shall flourish with Harvest

I Declare, let every scarcity be removed from America

I Declare, America is entering into its pre-eminent days

I Declare, America will go through Reformation to do Father’s Work in this Nation.

I Declare, Increased Awakening in America

I Declare, let America Arise and Shine for the Glory of God

I Declare, Health and Healing over America

I Declare, removal of those who stand against the church, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church

I Declare, let every unrighteous decisions be bring to justice and revert back in JESUS Name

I Declare, what was stolen from America shall be restored in hundred folds

I Declare, that thieves cannot steal anymore from America.

I Declare, America shall be the voice to voiceless, hope to the hopeless, being an Ambassador of God

I Declare, America will defend those who are abused and downcast.

I Declare, every spirit of death and suicide be removed from America

I Declare, every spirit of negativity be removed from America

I Declare, America will be prosperous to help the poor and homeless to build them them with new life and job opportunities

I Declare, churches to reach schools and shine the light of Christ in the hearts of Children.

I Declare, every child trafficking and human trafficking activities be caught and victims be set free in JESUS Name

I Declare, supernatural intervention and miracles to manifest in America

I Declare, America will host the Presence of God and Angelic activities will be evidently seen in America

I Declare, America will worship the one true living God and give Glory to God

I Declare, every lie and deception be removed from America

I Declare, America will be head not the tail.

I Declare, America will lead into victorious Procession in Christ JESUS

I Declare, America is under the shadow of the Almighty

I Declare, America will encounter the goodness and grace of God in bountiful measure

I Declare, every illegal drug supply be sized in JESUS name.

I Declare, every Baal worship or false worship be eradicated from America

I Declare, America shall encounter God’s Glory from one level to next level.

I Declare, Prisons in America hear the Good News, Gospel be preached and receive Salvation.

I Declare, every shooting violence and other form of violence end in America

I Declare, every abuse and hostility end in America

I Declare, every darkness and occult practices be eradicated in America

I Declare, churches in America to operate in Five Fold ministries. Let Prophets Arise, Apostles Arise, Evangelists Arise, Pastors Arise, Teachers Arise

I Declare, freedom to manifest 100 folds in America

I Declare, every ungodly soul ties within America and outside of America be broken

I Declare, every ungodly sacrifices and evil practices in America be seized

I Declare, every Jezebel spirit in America be overthrown

I Declare, every Ahab spirit in America be confronted and removed

I Declare every Python spirit in America that is trying to choke the nation be burned in fire of God

I Declare every dragons in America be consumed in its own fire

I Declare every leviathan scales in America be ripped off

I Declare every Marine spirit and octopus mind controlling tentacle spirit in America be cut off

I come against Athalia, Jezebel’s daughters spirit that is manifesting in America to be stopped in JESUS Name

I declare, the witches and warlock spirit in to be frozen in America in JESUS Name

I Declare, the Delilah’s sprit that is trying to distract and deviate America from its purpose be stopped and seized in JESUS Name

I Declare, the plans, vision and progress of the enemies will be stopped in JESUS Name

I Declare, and bind the strong man, the principalities, the power of the darkness be bound in America in JESUS Name

I Declare, the Lion of Judah will Roar and the nation shall hear the Word of the Lord, Hallelujah

I Declare, Ex-position, Eviction and Extermination of enemies plans and schemes in America.



In Jesus Name, Amen!